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Adamant Medical
Clinic & Hospital
78, Embankment of the river Moika, Saint-Petersburg


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AMC health screenings

In response to growing community demand for preventive healthcare services, the AMC outpatient center has developed its own programs. Tailor-made to suit individual requirements, comprehensive health screenings allow us to diagnose some medical conditions years before the symptoms arise. The check-up takes 3,5 hours which is convenient for people who are short of time.

Diagnosis, made at the very beginning of the disease, allows running more effective and less expensive treatment and, most importantly, prevent the further development of the disease. This is especially important with the diagnosing of the early stages of diseases of heart, kidneys, digestive tract, as well as oncological diseases as the most dangerous to life. The examinations are developed in such a way that allows diagnosing accurately long before the first symptoms appear and start treatment at the early stage.

Check-up for men is aimed at the early diagnostics of the diseases that bear risk for the male part of the population. The exam takes about 3.5 hours and includes: a consultation and a complete physical by a GP, evaluations by specialists (urologist, neurologist, ENT, ophthalmologist), a set of laboratory tests, chest X-ray, abdominal and pelvic ultrasound, ECG, the final consultation with the physician and recommendations

Check-up for women is aimed at the early diagnostics of the diseases that bear risk for the female part of the population. The exam takes about 3.5 hours and includes: a consultation and a complete physical by a GP, evaluations by specialists (gynecologist, neurologist, ENT, ophthalmologist), a set of laboratory tests (above all including pap smear), chest X-ray, abdominal, chest and pelvic ultrasound, ECG, the final consultation with the physician and recommendations

We wish our patients good health and long years of living. This is why we recommend to go through general check-ups annually without waiting till the first symptoms or complaints appear. It is much better to prevent a disease than to fight it when it is already too far.

The personal attention of our medical staff helps to address any of your questions or health concerns.

You can receive additional information on the complex check-ups per 740 20 90

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